2024-25 Quiz Dates
Proposed schedule
Quiz Ruckus July 26, Lake O, Games, food, intro. to Bible quizzing. 6 p.m. - 11:59 p.m.
District quiz Aug 24, OKC Oakcliff, 9 am-1 pm, Luke 1-2
Rogers Inv Sep 21, Rogers, Arkansas https://rogers.nazquizzing.org/ Luke 1-5
District quiz Oct 12, 10 am-2:30, Woodward, Luke 1-8
Olathe Inv Nov 2, Olathe, Kansas, https://olathe.nazquizzing.org/ Luke 1-11
District quiz and Quiz-Off Nov 16, Piedmont, Luke 1-12
(Following the district quiz, the Quiz-Off is to select our top 10 quizzers to represent the district at the St Louis All-Star quiz.)
St Louis All-Star Dec 6-7, Webster Groves COTN, https://stlouisbiblequiz.nazquizzing.org/ Luke 1-13
District quiz Jan 4, Tulsa Regency Park, 9 am-1 pm, Luke 1-16
Okla Inv Jan 25, OKC 1st, https://oklahoma.nazquizzing.org/ Luke 1-19
District quiz Feb 8, Lake O, Luke 1-21
District Finals and Quiz-Off Mar 8, Piedmont, Luke 1-24 (all chapters)
(Following the district quiz, the Quiz-Off is to select our top 10 quizzers for Extravaganza and Q2025.)
SNU Extravaganza Mar 27-29, all chapters https://www.southcentralnyi.com/extravaganza
(Two divisions, one for all-star teams and one that is open to any district or local team. Every quizzer who registers to quiz will have a spot on a team)
Tweener Quiz for anyone preparing to quiz at Q2025 details TBA
Q2025 June 23-28, Olivet Nazarene University https://usacanadanyi.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2584799
(Q is the premier event for all quizzers from across America. There are separate levels of quizzing, from Field and District All-Star teams, to novice district teams and novice local teams. Every quizzer, from experienced to novice, will quiz at their level. And . . . you can quiz on both a district team and a local team - lots of quizzing!)
Official Nazarene Quiz Rules
FUTURE DATES (also see the Nazquizzing tab and https://www.quizzingevents.com/)
2026 National Quiz @ NYC (quiz June 29-July 1 and NYC July 1-5), Salt Lake City
2027 National Quiz @ General Assembly, Kansas City
2028 Q2028, July 3-7
2029 National Quiz @ NYC
2030 Q2030
2031 National Quiz @ General Assembly